Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Health Benefits Of Laughter And Humor

!±8± Health Benefits Of Laughter And Humor

People generally think that laughter can decrease stress levels and is the best remedy for humans. Is that all that there is to it? Actually, a lot of mysteries are said to be behind this behavior.

First of all, laughter is thought of as the best, cheapest, and easiest way to get rid of stress. As a muscle relaxant, laughter is one of the best. Laughter opens up blood vessels and brings more blood to the limbs and muscles of the body. Epinephrine, or the stress hormone, is reduced when you laugh. When we are laughing, our feelings normally and easily mix with harmonious moments, to bring happiness, contentment, and relaxation.

Second of all, laughter makes the immune system stronger, keeps you healthy, prevents infections, allergic reactions, and cancer. Immunologists have verified that any bad emotions such as being anxious, depressed, or angry hurt the body's immune system, sooner or later decreasing the ability to handle infections. The influence of laughter when dealing with the immune system is thought to be extremely important with people who have ailments such as AIDS and cancer. An interesting fact is that laughter is one of the best aerobic exercises. You are bound to feel fresh for the entire day, just by laughing for 15 minutes every morning. An instant result cannot be obtained from any medicine, the way it can be achieved from laughter.

Why? Because laughing makes you breathe in more oxygen, which in turn puts you at ease. Based on Dr. William Fry of Stanford University, laughter for one minute is the same as using a rowing machine for 6 minutes. To put it another way, laughing excites the heart and induces the blood to circulate; it is actually the equivalent of performing any other standard aerobic exercise.

Number three, laughter also works like anti-depressant medicine and relaxants, assisting people to handle several diseases that are connected to their mind as a result of this current lifestyle like being depressed, and anxious, as well as psychosomatic conditions. As a result, they get better sleep and the depression tendencies have been reduced. Hope has been restored to people who have had suicidal tendencies. Stress is one of the major factors affecting how much people suffer from certain physical diseases, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Laughter surely assists with blood pressure management by decreasing hormones that are connected to stress and promotes relaxation. Previously, scientist have verified that pressure may go down about 10-20 mm following 10 minutes of laughter. This doesn't indicate that people who take 2 or 3 blood pressure pills each day will be cured completely. For sure, the amount you depend on drugs is reduced. If it is absolutely necessary, you will take 2-3 tablets.

Fourth, Laughter is a pain killer that is entirely natural! Endorphins, which are a natural pain killer, are released when we laugh. When no traditional painkiller worked, laughter therapy was of immense use to Norman Cousins, a journalist from America who was suffering from an incurable spine disease. Endorphins that are let go when laughter happens can assist in decreasing the amount of pain in people that suffer from arthritis and muscular cramps. The frequency of migraine headaches is said to be reduced, as reported by several people.

The fifth thing is that laughter is also good for people in several other ways, like it improves stamina (breathing strength), makes performance better with communication (Lung strength) and maintaining healthy organs inside the body.

Lastly, but importantly, it makes you look younger! Since laughter is the ideal exercise for the muscles in the face, it shapes the face and makes facial expressions better. Your face begins to glow when you laugh, as there is increased blood supply which nourishes the facial skin. People appear to be more happy and beautiful when they are laughing.

Health Benefits Of Laughter And Humor

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